訂單金額 HK$349或以上可獲得免費送貨服務。了解更多
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ToysRus BabiesRus


  1. 優惠有效期至2025年12月31日。
  2. 優惠適用於Zoff香港所有分店。
  3. 顧客凡購買MiYOSMART 兒童近視控制鏡片,即送價值HK$798或以下兒童鏡架一副(不包括兒童太陽眼鏡及PC鏡套裝)、HOYA當期之紀念品及兒童近視控制遊戲本一份;如揀選價值HK$798以上之兒童鏡架,顧客需要補回差價。購買MiYOSMART 兒童近視控制鏡片不適用於「U15小童支援計劃」的保養。優惠名額有限,禮品先到先得,送完即止。
  4. 請於惠顧前出示玩具“反”斗城App內之「星咭」電子會員卡或實體星咭會員卡。恕不接受「手機截圖」的會員身份顯示。
  5. 此優惠只適用於單一消費,優惠不能兌換為現金,餘額將不作找續或退還。
  6. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用。
  7. Zoff (Omni Beauty Retailing Limited) 有權修改有關條款及細則、更改或終止有關優惠,而不作另行通知。如有任何爭議,Zoff將保留最終決定權。



Terms and conditions:

  1. This offer is valid till 31 Dec 2025.
  2. This offer is applicable at all Zoff Hong Kong stores.
  3. Customers can get a kids frame valued at $798 or below for free and a HOYA’s gift upon any purchase of MiYOSMART lens. If customer selected a frame priced above HK$798, the customer will need to pay the difference. MiYOSMART lens are not applicable to “U15 kids support program”, all gifts are available in limited quantities on a first-come-first-served basis while stock lasts.
  4. Customers need to present the “Star Card” e-card in the Toys“R”Us mobile app or physical Star Card to enjoy the offer. Screen capture of the e-card will not be accepted.
  5. This offer can be used in single transaction only. The offers cannot be redeemed for cash, any unused balance will be forfeited.
  6. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions.
  7. Zoff  (Omni Beauty Retailing Limited) reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions as well as to vary or terminate the offers without prior notice. In case of disputes, the decision of Zoff shall be final.

Store locator: https://hk.zoff.com/pages/store-locator

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